
In the case of the Web Platform, Taxonomy is the system of classifying your content. 

The Web Platform will give you the means to create and manage collections of terms, called vocabularies, to help you group content together and cross-reference it and link related content together.

Let's take an example of a site with a very active news section. It contains a news article about a specific researcher who has received an award for their work.

In the Web Platform, you might do the following:

  1. Create your article

  2. Expand the Search Listing Options

  3. In the Article Type dropdown, select News from our pre-selected list of categories.

  4. In the Topic dropdown, select Research and Labs from our pre-selected list of categories. 

  5. In the Tags field, add existing tags as well as new tags on the fly.

    • You might already have tags from previous entries for things like:

      • The Department name. 
      • The topic of research.
      • Organizations the article references, like National Science Foundation (NSF) or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
    • Additionally, you could create new ones by typing the name of the aware into the article's tag field


The process for creating terms is identical regardless of whether those terms will be used in content type-specific categories, tags, branding, or other term lists you custom create for yourself. 

To create a term

Example of Creating a New Taxonomy Term


  1. At the top of the page on the second panel, select Structure.
  2. Select Taxonomy.
    Structure menu options- Taxonomy is highlighted

  3. Locate the category you would like to add the term(s) to and click the List Terms link. 
    The Taxonomy page selecting the Article Categories. Selecting the List term option

  4. Click Add Term.
    Article categories list

  5. Complete the form, then click Save.
    1. Name: [Required] 
    2. Description: [optional] an explanation of what the term is, what it's for, or what it should include are just a few possible ways to use this field. Any information included here will be displayed at the top of the page where all related content is listed. For example, if you created a term "Science" and then entered a Description of "This page displays all content related to science news, innovations, and events on campus" then that description text will show beneath the Science term page listing all pertinent content types tagged with "Science". 
    3. Relations: [optional] the order the terms are listed and whether or not one term might be nested beneath another in a parent-child relationship.
    4. URL alias: [optional] unless necessary to change, we recommend leaving it on the default "Generate automatic URL alias". 
      Add Term form for Taxonomy